
“…until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ…”

Ephesians 4:13

Growth at Ordinary

  • Our Sunday worship is the highest priority in terms of growth. The family gathering to hear and be changed by God’s Word cannot be compromised. As a result, we see Sunday Worship as the cornerstone of our growth strategy.

    Come join us at 12:30PM in the main sanctuary.

  • Our baptism class is designed to introduce the Gospel and allow a space for discussion. These classes are offered as needed.

    Our one day membership class is focused on commitment to the church. This class is the first step into our church community and serves to introduce our church’s beliefs and values. Membership classes are offered three times a year in the January, May and September. Please stay tuned on our Instagram for updates.

  • Our Discipleship trainings are throughout the year. These are ongoing classes for our members to grow in their biblical knowledge and spiritual maturity. Please stay tuned to our Instagram for the latest discipleship training updates.

    Classes include Bible 101, a look at the overview of the Bible, apologetics and more developing classes.